
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Apple's debuts "vanity links" during Super Bowl commercial

The Super Bowl XLVII commercials have featured a wide range of ads, from old Bowl favorites like Doritos and E-Trade to upcoming cinema hits. One movie's advert in particular caught the eyes of tech geeks nation-wide -- Star Trek: Into Darkness -- which was interesting not for the movie itself, but rather for Apple's revelation.

Star Trek Super Bowl commercial AppStoreAt the bottom of the commercial's ending scene was the link, which is a customized "vanity" link. This hints at a possible grab for link names, though Apple claims that methods are in place to keep congestion to a minimum. Some widely-sought names will automatically redirect to a search page for the term instead to encourage unique choices. was actually a personal gift from the Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff to Steve Jobs in 2008 -- though Apple is seeing much resistance in court from companies like Amazon and others on usage of the name.
Let's see if it actually works!

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